We bring our coaching and mentoring training programs to your organization based on your group’s specific professional development needs.

Companies with a coaching culture that incorporates people-focused practices, such as emphasizing employee strengths and in-the-moment feedback, are shown to have more effective performance management.

Click on each title to view details.

Delivered by Kari Knutson, MA

Learning more about how coaching and mentoring work can help address a number of workplace issues, for example: improve employee retention, enhance morale, increase motivation and productivity, create a positive work culture, and help individuals feel valued and connected.

In this presentation participants examine the similarities and differences between coaching and mentoring. They discover how both processes, when utilized in the right way, can help them achieve maximum personal and professional growth.

In addition, participants look at their own skill sets to see how they might be a coach or mentor to someone else. Recognizing the importance of the roles we all play and acting on those ideas can have a profound impact on our relationships. Actively engaging with others to turn their intentions into tangible and meaningful actions that help them achieve results is what coaching and mentoring are all about.


In-person or live webinar for your organization’s group.

Suitable for:

Groups of at least five participants; no maximum size limit.


Two hours, half day, or full day.


If delivered in person, the training will be held at your site or a venue rented by your organization.

Delivered by David Knapp, PhD

Successful managers understand that outstanding employee performance is driven by effective coaching that accomplishes three things: 1) recognizing and reinforcing positive employee performance; 2) diagnosing and addressing employee’s developmental needs; and 3) encouraging and empowering employees to drive their own performance improvement. To that end, this course helps participants improve their coaching skills by:

  • Assessing participants’ current coaching strengths and weakness, as measured by the “Coaching Skills Inventory.”
  • Helping participants understand the differences between coaching and mentoring.
  • Introducing participants to the five-step coaching process for performance improvement.
  • Allowing participants to apply their new coaching skills through interactive case studies.

In-person or live webinar for your organization’s group.

Suitable for:

Groups of 5 – 25 participants. Larger groups can be accommodated.


Two to four hours.


If delivered in person, the training will be held at your site or a venue rented by your organization.

Delivered by Leigh-Ann Zaharevich, MS

Asking effective questions in a structured way provides the coachee with a deeper awareness of the situation, challenges that may arise and the best way to move forward. Effective coaching conversations build confidence and self-motivation in the coachee as they are held accountable for their decisions and actions. They also help develop trust between managers and their teams. This course provides a coaching framework and six strategies for managers to support their team members.

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Describe the benefits of a good coaching conversation
  • Explain six ways to uplevel their coaching skills
  • Write effective coaching questions in a structured manner
  • Practice coaching using a 4-part coaching model

In-person or live webinar for your organization’s group.

Suitable for:

Groups of 5 – 25 participants. Larger groups can be accommodated.

Who should attend

Managers of others who aim to have productive conversations when challenges arise.


Three hours, or two 90-minute sessions.


If delivered in person, the training will be held at your site or a venue rented by your organization.

Delivered by Kelli Oberndorf, MHA, CPC, CPF

As leaders, many times we are not taught how to motivate or correct employee performance or behavior within the workplace. Much of what we learn is how to manage employees through a “Carrot-and-Stick” approach or through “Performance Improvement Plans.” However, building a leader’s coaching skills can dramatically shift an employee’s performance and uncover any blocks, issues, or fears that may be caused by an underlying problem that the leader may not be aware of.

In this workshop, participants will have an opportunity to learn and practice effective coaching skills to help build employee awareness, motivation, and improve performance.

Course Objectives

In this workshop we will focus on:

  • Asking effective questions
  • Listening deeply
  • Designing Action
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Conducting Effective 1:1 Meetings

In-person or live webinar for your organization’s group.

Suitable for:

Groups of 5 – 25 participants. Larger groups can be accommodated.


Half day.


If delivered in person, the training will be held at your site or a venue rented by your organization.