Organizational Development

Solutions-Focused Processes

Whether you need analyses of internal challenges, generation of innovative ideas, or implementation of organization-wide solutions, DTG can provide you with customized strategies from our team of consultants who are experienced in executing extensive organizational development projects such as strategic planning, restructuring, and organizational alignment.

Our DTG consultants have had high degrees of measurable success in assessing organizational challenges and implementing long-term change strategies to improve clients’ bottom lines. We create partnerships with our clients to discover and implement solutions that build bridges to their organizational future, and ensure that they are a truly self-sustaining organization.

Some of our specific organizational development services include:

Strategic Planning – Our strategic planning services guide organizations in defining clear goals, aligning resources, and creating actionable roadmaps to achieve their vision. Through facilitated sessions and expert insights, we empower teams to navigate challenges, embrace opportunities, and drive sustainable success.

New Leader Assimilation – Want to expedite the adaptation of a team to its new leader and vice versa? Leader assimilation proactively sets expectations, airs concern, sets a tone, interrupts assumptions and prompts priorities through guided and transparent communication between team and new leader.

Team Effectiveness – Whether conflict exists, performance is struggling, or you want to maintain a strong team, deliberate effort on team health is important for every team. This impacts conflict management, engagement, performance standards, norms such as celebrations and communication, and understanding your team profile. This can be done through relevant activities, psychometric assessment with conversation, or other.

Organizational Assessment & Strategy – Available to any function, this is a popular technique to gather vast perspective regarding service delivery, identify success barriers, establish the structure your organization needs today and to scale, or gather performance data and opportunities efficiently.

Culture Transformation – What is the best kind of culture? The one that you intentionally select and work toward becoming. Whether you’re facing turnover or talent attraction challenges, or are striving to strengthen brand and performance, culture is king. We take an analytical approach to culture assessment, then evaluate against aspirations based on strategy, customer base, perspectives, performance, values or mission. We then guide you to selecting your desired culture, and create the plan and performance measures.

Performance Management – Have a performance management process that is underwhelming or doesn’t drive results? Or maybe no program at all? Performance management is often oversimplified with a focus on the review. We say, “Performance management done well happens the other 364 days of the year.” And a well-designed program embeds your unique factors such as values, leadership principles and strategy to reinforce and reward behaviors and align efforts and prepares your leaders to lead.

People & Talent Analytics and Data – Are your metrics evaluating impact and correlations or simply activity and volume? Metrics are differentiators for strategic HR. Additionally collecting and maintaining meaningful and accurate data is the prerequisite for metrics and delivering the information your organization needs to perform.

Change Management – We do change with people not to people. Strategy design or program development are step one. But how does effective implementation occur when there’s varying expectations and perceptions, it’s bringing unwanted change, or it requires disrupting norms? Projects succeed or fail based on presence of effective change management. And it includes psychology, including motivation theory and resistance. We offer this paired with our solutions or as a standalone offering to be paired with your effort.

Talent Acquisition Strategy – Having an articulated strategy informs the organization of how talent is attracted and retained. It also considers talent needs and options to meet talent needs – and they’re not always FTE. Organizations must also understand the market, target candidates, talent pool supply, and other factors to confidently pursue talent acquisition efforts.

EVP & Brand – Yes, talent attraction and retention require marketing concepts, but here you’re selling an opportunity and experience. And marketing also includes analysis, data and understanding your target audience. You can then present a compelling and reliable expectation to both your external talent pool and retain the talent you have.

Career Mobility & Competency Framework – The workforce is demanding career options and transparency. They want to know progressions and lateral options that leverage transferrable skills and experience. And they want to know how to qualify themselves for those opportunities. And organizations need to clearly articulate the skills they need, demand and how it’s distributed.

Sample Organizational Development Projects

Strategic Planning – Facilitation of mid- to upper-level managers of a large regional communications company through a decision-making process on a number of critical business decisions, including the test implementation of a new service for its customers. While the implementation did indeed cost the corporation well over $300 million, it is still considered one of the company’s greatest success stories, with articles touting the success of the implementation appearing in regional and national publications.

Organizational Alignment – Assessment of marketing strategy, culture, and leadership for an aerospace engineering firm. Tasks included: 360-degree leadership feedback and leadership coaching; facilitation of strategy meetings; collaboration to align strategy, leadership and culture; facilitation of team building at all levels; restructuring of leadership team; and creation of systems to support identified necessary changes. The project resulted in doubled revenues, more efficient leadership, and reduced turnover of staff.

Development of a Corporate University – Design and implementation of a corporate university for a national telecommunications company. Tasks included the development of organizational, personal development, and management development tracks that offered more than 30 hours of core curriculum and more than 10 hours of elective courses for managers. By assessing training needs through surveys, interviews, and focus groups, and partnering with employees and managers throughout the development process, its implementation helped to align training and development objectives with strategic goals, improve overall organizational effectiveness, and positively impact retention, performance, and morale.

Performance Evaluation and Development Program – Implementation of individual performance objectives aligned with organizational goals and mission for a location services software company. Development of an online evaluation tool for employees and management, consulting on performance management policies and best practices, and the development, implementation, and delivery of a training program for approximately 300 national and international employees. Once executed, the program actively involved employees in goal setting, promoted feedback and open communication with management regarding performance, and emphasized career development planning discussions as an important part of the performance development process.

Organizational Improvement Study – Six-month study to initiate strategic growth and increase revenue for a worldwide nonprofit professional organization. Tasks included creation of new organizational priorities and matrix structure. Implementation resulted in revenue growth by 30 percent.

Team Development Initiative – Creation and launch of team development solutions for a Texas-based cement manufacturing company. Tasks included execution of metrics-based solutions to increase communication, teamwork, and profitability for leadership teams in Production, Finance, Human Resources, and IT departments.

Types of Projects

Organizational development services offered by our DTG consultants can include  (but are not limited to):


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